Building blue steel frames & trusses pride ourselves in providing all services you require for your construction projects. We provide pre-fabricated frames fully engineered designed according to your floor plans and structural drawings. All frames are designed through our highly advanced auto cad system and produced by the most precise and new technology roll forming machines.

Wall panels are designed with software using TRUE CORE Bluescope steel range from 0.75 mm to 1.2 mm depending on the load-bearing walls, wall panels come with service holes, pre-punched with accurate measurements according to the floor plans

Trusses are the most important part of the house frame due to the load it carries off the roof especially if it’s roof tiles. These are designed in the software and signed off by the engineer before we start producing on the machines.

Floor joist: we use a steel web joist, which can bear heavy load easily better than a traditional I joist which needs holes for all electrical services and air conditioning needs. Web floor joists are easy to install, run the electrical wire and plumbing and sound screen insulation